Hudson will be turning 1 year old in exactly 4 days.. this has been the shortest, most wonderful year of my life, and I can't believe that it's almost over! He has changed and grown so much, sometimes I miss the not so tiny little baby he was when he was born. I don't know how my life could possibly get any better than it is right now! And sure, we have our tough days, temper fits, and sicknesses. But each day when he smiles at me my world shines a little brighter, and I love him a little more than the day before... Each day he grows a little bigger, and little stronger, and a little smarter, and now I've blinked and he's 361 days old. Thank you God, for giving me those 361 days! They have been the best 361 days of my life! I'm looking forward to all the wonderful, and less than wonderful, days with Hudson to come!
Right after he was born!
Celebrating his Birthday month!